All the Better to See You
By: Gina Blaxill
Category: Children's Books
Availability: 2
Giá 250.000₫
Publisher: Scholastic
Released Date: 2021
ISBN: 9780702310140
Legend tells of a fearsome wolf who stalks the forest.
Red is well versed in the stories of the beast who preys on unsuspecting travellers and yet she pays them no mind. But then, Red has always been different.
Suddenly whispers of the wolf become more frequent and townspeople are attacked in their homes. It seems this is no ordinary wolf. Rumours run wild and people begin suspecting one another.
But when you don't know who to fear, how can you protect yourself?
A fairy tale twist that might not end happily ever after . . .
Author: Gina Blaxill
Publisher: Scholastic
Released Date: 2021
ISBN: 9780702310140
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