James And The Giant Peach
By: Roald Dahl
Category: Children's Books
Availability: 3
Giá 280.000₫
Publisher: Puffin
Released Date: 2022
ISBN: 9780241558331
"Bigger and bigger grew the peach, bigger and bigger and BIGGER."James Henry Trotter is about to go on the adventure of a lifetime .James lives his awful Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker , two of the meanest people you can imagine.Life isn't much fun at all, until something peculiar happens at the bottom of his garden . . .A peach at the very top of a tree begins to grow . . . and grow . . . and GROW! Inside are seven very unusual insects - all waiting to take James on a magical journey.
Author: Roald Dahl
Publisher: Puffin
Released Date: 2022
ISBN: 9780241558331
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