We so seldom look on love
By: Barbara Gowdy
Category: Fiction General
Giá khuyến mại 150.000₫
Publisher: Harper Perennial
Released Date: 2007
ISBN: 9780006475231
From the author of the blockbuster Mister Sandman comes a gathering of unusual characters captured in the outrageous and humorous situations for which Barbara Gowdy has become famous. Teasing the taboos, Gowdy creates a marriage dialogue between a woman and her transsexual fiancé, who she thought was a man, and litigation between Samuel and Simon who share the same two-headed body. She peoples her stories with Siamese twins, a necrophile, and a pathetically lonely exhibitionist. And she brilliantly illustrates how uncomfortably close a connection comedy has to human suffering. The title story has been adapted into a movie called "Kissed.
Author: Barbara Gowdy
Publisher: Harper Perennial
Released Date: 2007
ISBN: 9780006475231
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