Wait Until Spring, Bandini
By: John Fante
Category: Fiction General
Availability: 1
Giá 120.000₫
Publisher: Granda
Released Date: 1984
ISBN: 9780586064269
A powerful, lyrical and touching tale of a turbulent adolescent trying to break out of the suffocating, prison-like confinements of family, poverty and religion in a small town, Wait Until Spring, Bandini tells the story of a winter in the childhood of Arturo Bandini, oldest son of Italian immigrants living in Colorado during the Great Depression. With its powerful and evocative account of tragic love affairs, grinding poverty and adolescence in turmoil, this first novel from the Bandini quartet is a much-neglected masterpiece of modern American literature.
Author: John Fante
Publisher: Granda
Released Date: 1984
ISBN: 9780586064269
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