Travels with Epicurus
By: Daniel Klein
Category: Philosophy
Giá khuyến mại 150.000₫
Publisher: Penguin
Released Date: 2014
ISBN: 9780143127208
Daniel Klein was in his seventies when his dentist told him he'd need tooth implants if he wanted to avoid wearing old-fashioned and old-looking denture plates. But instead of going under the drill, he headed to Greece to see if one of his favorite philosophers, the sage Epicurus, could teach him something about the pleasures available only later in life. A travel book, a witty and accessible meditation, and an optimistic guide to living well, Travels with Epicurus is a delightful jaunt to the Aegean and through the terrain of old age that only Klein could lead.
Author: Daniel Klein
Publisher: Penguin
Released Date: 2014
ISBN: 9780143127208
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