Things to Do Now that You're ..60
By: Graeme Kent
Category: Self Help
Giá khuyến mại 120.000₫
Publisher: Spruce
Released Date: 2008
ISBN: 9781840728101
Did you ever want to transform your sedate life into a more exciting and fruitful existence or do something totally radical? Have you ever dreamed of singing with a band, visiting a nudist colony, climbing a mountain, starting a new career, or relocating to another country? Don't wait until next year or the year after to start making plans - life is too short to sit and let the action pass you by. Find your true self by trying something new. This book of quirky ideas, fun-filled tips, adages and thought-provoking quotations will fill you with aspirations, encourage you to dream, and live large.
Author: Graeme Kent
Publisher: Spruce
Released Date: 2008
ISBN: 9781840728101
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