the Power of Habit

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Publisher: Rh 

Released Date: 2013

ISBN: 9781847946249

Book Overview

Habits are difficult to change. The neuroscience behind the functioning of habits is still not known to many. On one hand, there is always one section of the society which finds it exceptionally easy to adapt to new situations, new environment and frequent changes. On the other hand, there are people and organizations who strive hard to mold themselves into a changing environment.

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do and How To Change presents us with brilliant information in the most engaging way that enlightens us towards the depth of human nature and its tremendous potential to transform. Through this book we visit laboratories where neuroscientists explore how habits work and where, exactly, they reside in our brains. We also understand the importance of the right habits which led to the success of great personalities.

Keystone habits help earn billions and can also make a difference between failure and success, life and death. Hence, The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do and How To Change gives the readers an insight into the world's top notch companies, Rick Warren's Saddleback Church, NFL locker rooms and the nation's largest hospital to suggest the importance of right habits.

Author: Charles  Duhigg 

Publisher: Rh 

Released Date: 2013

ISBN: 9781847946249

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