The Madness Of Grief

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Publisher: W & N

Released Date: 2022

ISBN: 9781474619639

Book Overview

Whether it is pastoral care for the bereaved, discussions about the afterlife with parishioners or being called out to perform the last rites, death is part of the Reverend Richard Coles' routine. But since his partner the Reverend David Coles died in December, much about death has taken Coles by surprise. David's death at the age of 42 was unexpected - he never recovered from an operation for internal bleeding.

Now the man that so often assists others to examine life's moral questions has found himself in the need of help. He is looking to others for guidance to steer him through grief. The flock is leading the shepherd. Much about grief has surprised Coles: the volume of 'sadmin' you have to do when someone dies, how much harder it is travelling for work alone, the pain of typing a text message to one's partner, then realising you are alone.

The Reverend Richard Coles' account of life after grief will resonate with the many thousands of his followers and listeners.

Author: Richard Coles 

Publisher: W & N

Released Date: 2022

ISBN: 9781474619639

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