Strange Roots Views of Hanoi
By: Andrew Engelson
Category: Vietnamese Fiction
Giá khuyến mại 100.000₫
Publisher: The Gioi Publishers
Released Date: 2011
ISBN: 9786047703005
The Hanoi Writers' Collective, founded in 2009, is an international group that includes poets, novelists, journalists, and many things in between. Whatever the form, all writers are storytellers; we write to tell the stories of ourselves and others, of our journeys and impressions. We are visitors in Hanoi, but whether here for six months or six years, we begin to take root. Our interactions with Hanoi change us in indelible ways. The collection of poems, short stories, and essays tells the story of that process, of the strange roots that so many of us have set down into the fertile soil of Hanoi... and of the unexpected ways that Hanoi has fed us and shaped our growth.
Author: Andrew Engelson
Publisher: The Gioi Publishers
Released Date: 2011
ISBN: 9786047703005
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