Sleeping With The Artist
By: Susan Blanshard
Category: Biographies
Giá khuyến mại 80.000₫
Publisher: Page Addie
Released Date: 2007
ISBN: 9780955650918
A sensual memoir written in poetic prose by author of Sheetstone Memoir For A Lover.
In each chapter, she reveals her secrets as a virgin, a lover, a whore, the soothsayer, adulteress, the stranger he meets on a train and as a model who poses nude for a famous French artist. The opiate state of love between them seems bound beyond time and seemingly impossible to break. I have come to know the image as I draw her figure, the Artist one pose familiar, found like a look in the distance, and yet in some form or contradiction a woman I do not remember her as a god and not god, stone and not stone, that hardness snapping off.
He answered that she could fill his head with dark images. From the silence, from the gray clouding his eyes, she knew the exact spot the images entered and he asked if she could tell him where the beautiful ones were. A sensually and beautifully written erotic memoir by an artist's model. She reveals her life as lover to a famous painter of nudes. Writing about her love, passion and this artistic relationship...she reveals intimate studio and bedroom scenes.
Sleeping With The Artist has all the power of a poet's evocative and sensuous poetic language. Rich,exciting, erotic, exotic and romantic. Abstractions are meshed with love with the grittiness of the world, of the body.Walking between the rivers.
Author: Susan Blanshard
Publisher: Page Addie
Released Date: 2007
ISBN: 9780955650918
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