Sixteen Minutes To A Better 9-To-5

By: Dr Vinod Verma

Category: Self Help


Giá khuyến mại 150.000₫

Publisher: Weiser

Released Date: 1999

ISBN: 1578631297

Book Overview

Ayurveda has been used in India for over five thousand years. It is not just a diet, but a way of life. Dr. Verma shows how Ayurveda can help you bring spirituality to your work. As in her other two books, Dr. Verma explains the three basic types (pitta, vata, kapha) and helps you understand how the constitutional types relate to work attitude and the way people expend energy. You'll discover your own constitution and learn how to recognize the types in the people around you. This knowledge will help you work in harmony with others. For example, if you have a project that requires long-term, slow, and careful attention, you will find a person with a kapha constitution to carry out the work, and give the "a.s.a.p." work to a rata or pitta type. You will learn to accept that a pitta person will have a tendency to over-react and appreciate this person more for his or her initiative and abundant creative energy. Acceptance of your own and others' types is the key to a stress-free, Ayurvedic workplace.Dr. Verma has devised a yoga program that you can gradually incorporate into your daily routine. It takes a tort of sixteen minutes to help keep you relaxed and flexible throughout the day. She offers detailed nutritional advice, several recipes for re-balancing your energy, and various purification techniques that will help you keep your body cleansed. The wonderful thing about this easy-to-use Ayurvedic system is that you can do it yourself, at home. Exploring Dr. Verma's techniques will bring a new freedom and a feeling of inner peace so that you can be the most productive person you can be and feel good while you do it!

Author: Dr Vinod Verma

Publisher: Weiser

Released Date: 1999

ISBN: 1578631297

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