Shy A Memoir
By: Sian Prior
Category: Biographies
Giá khuyến mại 180.000₫
Publisher: Text
Released Date: 2014
ISBN: 9781922182272
It’s a shy word, a timid little word that begs to remain unnoticed. Only three letters long, and it begins with an exhortation to silence. Shhh.
There’s no authority in it, no control. It’s a blushing, hunching word; a nervous, knock-kneed, wallflower word. A word for children, not grown-ups, because surely grown-ups grow out of shyness.
Don’t they?
SIAN PRIOR has maintained a career in the public eye for more than twenty years. For far longer than that she has suffered from excruciating shyness, only partly alleviated by the security she finds with her famous partner Tom.
Eventually, after bolting from a party in a state of near-panic, she decides to learn about the science of social anxiety. But soon other questions intrude. About grief, intimacy, self-perception and fear; loss and longing and the consequences of love.
Then Tom says he is leaving.
Frank, provocative, remarkable in its clarity and beautifully written—Shy is a book you will be thinking and talking about long after you read the final page.
Author: Sian Prior
Publisher: Text
Released Date: 2014
ISBN: 9781922182272
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