Science Hacks
By: Colin Barras
Category: Non Fiction General
Availability: 5
Giá 480.000₫
Publisher: Cassell
Released Date: 2018
ISBN: 9781844039845
With Science Hacks , you no longer need a PhD to understand the fascinating ideas behind science's greatest theories and discoveries. This latest addition to the ingenious new Hacks series will show you a technique for understanding and, crucially, remembering 100 of the most important and most interesting scientific theories from throughout the ages.
On each topic, you'll start with a helicopter overview of the subject, which will give you an introduction to the idea and some context surrounding it. Next, you'll zoom in on the core elements of the theory, with clear explanation of each point to make sure you really understand the concept before finally, you'll be given a one-liner hack to really make the theory stick in your mind.
Includes such topics and fields
Particle Physics
Evolutionary Biology
Author: Colin Barras
Publisher: Cassell
Released Date: 2018
ISBN: 9781844039845
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