Prison Diary
By: Ho Chi Minh
Category: Poetry
Availability: 29
Giá 180.000₫
Publisher: The Gioi
Released Date: 2017
ISBN: 9786047706051
Was written between August 28, 1942 and September 16, 1943 when Nguyen That Thanh alias Nguyen Ai Quoc alias Ho Chi Minh was a prisoner of Chiang Kai-Shek's police in several of South China's jails. It is not a diry in the Western sense, for it consists of 115 verses--quatrains and Tang poems in the classical Chinese style. In such men as Ho Chi Minh the intelligence and sensibility are one. There is nothing secret in his public and private life. To him the sight of suffering is a call both to action and to poetical expression.
Author: Ho Chi Minh
Publisher: The Gioi
Released Date: 2017
ISBN: 9786047706051
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