My Paper Chase True Stories Of Vanished Times

By: Harold Evans

Category: Biographies

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Publisher: Little, Brown

Released Date: 2009

ISBN: 9781408702031

Book Overview

Upon its publication, My Paper Chase received rave reviews from newspapers, broadcasters, and bloggers across three continents, and was a 2009 Notable Book of the "New York Times"-and for good reason. It's the wild and wonderful tale of a newspapering and publishing odyssey that took Harold Evans from wartime Manchester to London and finally to America. Editor of two of the world's most renowned newspapers, the "Sunday Times" and "The Times," publisher of Random House, and a bestselling author in his own right, Evans brings to life print media's glorious history as he recalls his own-from unmasking the greatest Soviet spy to taking on the lost cause of the thalidomide children-and winning-to clashes with politicians, government agencies, and Rupert Murdoch, to finally achieving what Scott Fitzgerald has declared impossible-A Second Act in America. 
In an age when newspapers everywhere are under threat, My Paper Chase is a witty and inspiring personal story but also a poignant and timely reminder of all that newspapers have been, and all that can be again. 

Author: Harold Evans

Publisher: Little, Brown

Released Date: 2009

ISBN: 9781408702031

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