Managing Death
By: Trent Jamieson
Category: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Availability: 1
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Publisher: Orbit Books
Released Date: 2011
ISBN: 9780316077989
It's not easy being Death. For starters, people keep dying. And then, they keep getting up again.
Steven de Selby got promoted. This makes the increasing number of stirrers (and the disturbing rumors of a zombie god rising sometime soon) his problem. That time management seminar he keeps meaning to take would also remind him that he's got a Death Moot to plan, a Christmas party to organize, and an end-of-the-world thing to avert.
Steven must start managing Death, before Death starts managing him, or this time the Apocalypse will be more than Regional.
Author: Trent Jamieson
Publisher: Orbit Books
Released Date: 2011
ISBN: 9780316077989
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