In Search Of A Beginning My Life With Graham Greene
By: Yvonne Cloetta
Category: Biographies
Giá khuyến mại 180.000₫
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Released Date: 2005
ISBN: 9780747571124
For more than 30 years, Yvonne Cloetta shared her life with Graham Greene. After years of tormented love affairs and dangerous exploits, the novelist found solace and understanding with this remarkable Frenchwoman, which assuaged his famously melancholic nature yet allowed him to create some of his greatest work. Greene knew that the time might come when Cloetta's privacy would be invaded, and his advice was to either refuse to speak or to tell the truth. This Cloetta has done, most eloquently, with the help of family friends and biographer Marie-Françoise Allain. What emerges is the most intimate and revelatory portrait of Greene that we have.
Author: Yvonne Cloetta
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Released Date: 2005
ISBN: 9780747571124
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