If You Take A Mouse To the Movies
By: Laura Numeroff
Category: Children's Books
Availability: 1
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Publisher: Scholastic
Released Date: 2000
ISBN: 9780439254069
Welcome to the hilariously hypothetical world of Laura Numeroffand Felicia Bond.
Everything has an impact on everything else in this world, so if you take a mouse to the movies, don't be surprised if you find yourself being run ragged by the exuberant little fellow's increasingly grand appetites.
When we first met him in Numeroff and Bond's tremendously popular If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, he had more energy than a 2-year-old on lollipops. Now, in the excitement of the Christmas season, he's unstoppable.
Going from movie theater to Christmas tree lot to the neighbor's yard for snowmouse-building, he's a very demanding mouse indeed - in only the best way, of course.
Author: Laura Numeroff
Publisher: Scholastic
Released Date: 2000
ISBN: 9780439254069

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