Girl In Landscape
By: Jonathan Lethem
Category: Fiction General
Giá khuyến mại 90.000₫
Publisher: Vintage
Released Date: 1998
ISBN: 9780375703911
The heroine is fourteen-year-old Pella Marsh, whose mother dies just as her family flees a postapocalyptic Brooklyn for the frontier of a recently discovered planet. Hating her ineffectual father, and troubled by a powerful attraction to the virile but dangerous loner who holds sway over the little colony, Pella sets out on a course of discovery that will have tragic and irrevocable consequences for the humans in the community, as well as the odd and exotic natives. "Girl in Landscape" is a daring exploration of the violent nature of sexual awakening, a meditation on language and perception, and a homage to the great American tradition of the western.
Author: Jonathan Lethem
Publisher: Vintage
Released Date: 1998
ISBN: 9780375703911
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