Beyond the Wand
180.000₫From the magical moments on set as Draco Malfoy to the challenges of growing up in the spotlight, get a backstage pass into Tom Felton’s...View more
Jane Fonda the Private Life of a Public Woman
380.000₫As actress, activist, businesswoman, wife, and mother, Jane Fonda has pushed herself to the limit, attempting to please all, excel in every arena, be everything....View more
The Good , The Bad And The Multiplex
220.000₫In It's Only a Movie, the incomparable Mark Kermode showed us the weird world of a film critic's life lived in widescreen. Now, in The Good, The...View more
Tarantino A To Zed
280.000₫A to Zed is the first book to deal exclusively with the films of Hollywood's hottest and most controversial director. It takes a long, cool...View more
Doctor Who the Encyclopedia
580.000₫The fully revised and updated Doctor Who Encyclopedia, covering every episode from 2005 to the present River Song still a riddle? Stumped by the stolen planets...View more
The Man Who Made Lists
280.000₫Peter Mark Roget-polymath, eccentric, synonym aficionado-was a complicated man. He was an eminent scholar who absorbed himself in his work, yet he also possessed an...View more