Far Journeys

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Giá khuyến mại 127.500₫

Publisher: Broadway

Released Date: 2001

ISBN: 9780385231824

Book Overview

In his bestselling classic, Journeys Out of the Body, Robert Monroe revealed to readers his enthralling excursions out of the body and into outer consciousness. Now, after more than a decade and, sessions of intensive psychological and psychic research, he presents persuasive new, fully documented evidence of realities even further beyond the known dimensions of the physical universe. Dr Elisabeth Kübler-Ross has praised the book as "wonderful, it describes for the first time in understandable form the cycle of human existence through life and death".

At the Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences in the United States, the author has developed a revolutionary sound wave process which facilitates out-of-body experiences, enabling many very ordinary - and sometimes skeptical - people to make controlled journeys similar to those of the author, "reporting back" verbally at every point along the way. This book includes many transcripts of their "reports", describing in fascinating yet objective detail their travels in time and space, the extraordinary experiences of freedom and discovery that they come to take for granted, and the profound significance of these journeys for mankind as a whole.

Author: Robert A. Monroe

Publisher: Broadway

Released Date: 2001

ISBN: 9780385231824

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