Encyclopedia Of Northwest Music
By: James Bush
Category: Biographies - Music
Giá khuyến mại 180.000₫
Publisher: Sasquatch
Released Date: 1999
ISBN: 1570611416
The first and only guide to offer a comprehensive history of Northwest music from the 1920s to the present, including rock, pop, jazz, blues, folk, country, and classical.Join James Bush on an entertaining trip across the whole spectrum of Northwest music. Bush and contributing critics have compiled more than 200 listings of individual artists, bands, and movements, each with recommended discographies. The guide also includes essays on Northwest music history, photographs and album cover art, a tour of music-related sites in Seattle and Portland, and music festivals around the region. Whether neophyte listeners or dedicated audiophiles, readers will love this one-of-a-kind book.
Author: James Bush
Publisher: Sasquatch
Released Date: 1999
ISBN: 1570611416
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