Make Writing

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Publisher: Times

Released Date: 2016

ISBN: 9780986104930

Book Overview

Easy! Writing and making collide, revealing the genius inside of even the most reluctant writers.

In Make Writing, teacher, author, writing coach, Angela Stockman, turns teaching strategies and practice upside down. She spills you out of your chair, shreds your lined paper, and launches you and your writer's workshop into the maker space! Who even knew this was possible? In classic Hack Learning style, Stockman provides five right-now writing strategies that reinvent instruction and inspire both young and adult writers to express ideas with tools and in ways that have rarely, if ever, been considered.

Combining Making and Writing

Many schools are converting classrooms to maker spaces--vibrant places where students demonstrate learning by constructing things, applying newly-learned skills and concepts. With inspired creativity and ingenuity, Stockman shows you how to bring modern maker moves into your writer's workshop, giving birth to a new environment that rockets writers to places that were previously unimaginableMake Writing is a fast-paced journey inside Stockman's Young Writer's Studio, alongside students who learn how to write and how to make, employing Stockman's unique teaching methods.

Author: Angela Stockman 

Publisher: Times

Released Date: 2016

ISBN: 9780986104930

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