60 Second Genius Science
By: Jon Richards
Category: Children's Books
Availability: 3
Giá 280.000₫
Publisher: Welbeck
Released Date: 2021
ISBN: 9781839350559
This book is full of essential info from the world of science, broken down into fun bite-size facts.
Learn everything about key science topics in 60 seconds! This book is packed with essential info from the world of science, broken down into fun, fascinating bite-size facts.
Key subjects are clearly explained using colourful graphics and easy-to-follow text. Scattered throughout the book are 'Now Try This!' panels where readers can take their understanding even further by carrying out simple activities and projects. There's even a pullout wallchart to record their progress in each subject. It's the ideal way to go from newcomer to know-it-all in record time!
Author: Jon Richards
Publisher: Welbeck
Released Date: 2021
ISBN: 9781839350559
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