Freud the Key Ideas
By: Ruth Snowden
Category: Psychology
Availability: 23
Giá 380.000₫
Publisher: Teach Youself
Released Date: 2019
ISBN: 9781473681361
Learn about the man called "The father of psychoanalysis"
From Freud's upbringing and early work through his ingenious and revolutionary creation of psychoanalysis, you will learn about dream interpretation, the unconscious, the psychology of society, and his controversial theories, including the Oedipus Complex and penis envy.
Ideal for students, teachers, or anyone curious about this remarkable man, "Teach Yourself Freud" makes his ideas easy to understand with overviews, summaries, and illustrations.
Author: Ruth Snowden
Publisher: Teach Youself
Released Date: 2019
ISBN: 9781473681361
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