Urban Photography
By: Tim Cornbill
Category: Arts & Design
Availability: 5
Giá 280.000₫
Publisher: Ilex
Released Date: 2019
ISBN: 9781781576120
From cityscapes to street corners: a complete guide to shooting in towns.
The urban environment offers a whole host of subjects to photograph, even in the smallest of towns. In the time it takes to walk a block or two, you can photograph panoramic skylines, people up close at work or play, abstract architectural details, frenetic street activity and peaceful park scenes. You can capture elements of the past and present through the city's architecture in one carefully composed street scene; focus
in on torn wall posters in a dimly lit alleyway; then, within minutes, frame up the most recognisable landmark in the city.
Author: Tim Cornbill
Publisher: Ilex
Released Date: 2019
ISBN: 9781781576120
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