The Joy Of Digital Photography
By: Jeff Wignall
Category: Arts & Design
Availability: 1
Giá 120.000₫
Publisher: Lark Books
Released Date: 2004
ISBN: 9781579909475
Jeff Wignall—author of the bestselling Joy of Photography—knows how to encourage photographers of all skill levels: his easy-to-grasp explanations of technique and equipment, and his inspirational attitude have distinguished The Joy of Digital Photography from any other digital manual. And now the best book on the subject is getting an update, to include all the newest technology and software. Everything is covered and illustrated with top-of-the-line images: digital vision; digital tools (cameras, lenses, accessories); common problems and solutions; exposure and flash; working with light; handling weather seasons and mood; travel and landscape photography; portraiture; sports photography; post-production, including seeing, sharing, and storing digital images; basic desktop printing; the digital darkroom; a Photoshop primer; sharing the image; and much, much more.
Author: Jeff Wignall
Publisher: Lark Books
Released Date: 2004
ISBN: 9781579909475
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