Butterflies of Vietnam Nymphalidae Danainae Amathusiinae Vol 3
Category: Vietnamese Non Fiction
Giá khuyến mại 450.000₫
Publisher: Planorama Media
Released Date: 2011
ISBN: 9780955121128
This is the third volume of a major series on the butterfly fauna of Vietnam and the first comprehensive treatment of the Rhopalocera of this country. The complete fauna will be covered in seven volumes. For each volume, the introduction includes information for systematic identification of each family or subfamily, morphology of imago, habitats, and life-cycles. Checklist, abbreviations, references, and an index to scientific names are presented separately. The main section of each volume contains information for all species of the family or subfamily found in Vietnam, as well as keys to the species, genera, and tribes. The text for each species includes the following: type locality * synonyms * range * distribution and variation in Vietnam * taxonomic notes * habitats and biology * similar species. The excellent color plates include a number of habitat photos and images of all the species dealt with. Where necessary, line drawings of genitalia, venation, and other details are given.
Author: Alexander L Monastyrskii
Publisher: Planorama Media
Released Date: 2011
ISBN: 9780955121128
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