Inside Your Outside

By: Tish Rabe

Category: Children's Books

Availability: 1

Giá gốc: 180.000₫

Giá khuyến mại 144.000₫

Publisher: Random House

Released Date: 2003

ISBN: 9780375811005

Book Overview

Journey through the fascinating world of the body with everyone's favorite Cat in the Hat! The Cat in the Hat's Learning Library is a nonfiction picture book series that introduces beginning readers ages 5-8 to important basic concepts.

Join the Cat in the Hat, Sally and Dick for a ride through the human body where they visit the right and left sides of the brain, meet the Feletons from far off Fadin (when they stand in the sun you can see through their skin), scuba dive through the blood system, follow food and water through the digestive tract, and a whole lot more! Perfect for readers who are curious about the body and for any kid who loves learning and science.

Featuring beloved characters from Dr. Seuss's The Cat in the Hat , the Learning Library are unjacketed hardcover picture books that explore a range of nonfiction topics about the world we live in and include an index, glossary, and suggestions for further reading.

Author: Tish Rabe 

Publisher: Random House

Released Date: 2003

ISBN: 9780375811005

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